Stay safe during COVID 19 by following the CDC Guidelines, washing your hands, social distancing, and keeping good air quality in your home with a Quite Cool Whole House Fan.

What is Mass Cooling?

Explanation in Ordinary Words

Think of a fireplace. What is hotter; a flame or coals? Coals are hotter and once they burn down, the thick bricks in the fireplace keep the house warm because of all the radiating heat contained inside them. This heats the air in your home. 

During summer, the attic can heat up to 150º F. The radiant heat is transferred through the studs and into the drywall. This heats the air in the room. A closed system like your air conditioner cools the air down, but, not the pre-existing hot mass that is already in the home. Over and over again, the hot mass in the home heats up the air when your air conditioner turns off. 

QuiteCool fans work as follows. When temperatures are cooler in the late afternoon, open up a couple of windows four to six inches wide. Turn on your QuietCool fan on high. Cooler outside air is pulled across the room, cooling down the air, carpet, and furniture all at the same time. Then, all the hot air is pushed out of your attic. The moving cool air makes the room feel 10º F cooler. Turn the fan on low when going to bed. Leaving the fan on low for four to eight hours cools the mass of your home. This removes all remaining radiant heat out of the home. The next morning, close your windows and blinds. Later in the day, the home will feel much cooler. 


  1. You have prepared a hot bowl of chili with all the fixings. You are ready to take the first bite, but before you do, you blow on it to cool the chili down and take away some of the heat.
  2. The first thing many people do when they come home and it is hotter in their home and cooler outside is open their windows to draw in the cool air instead of turning on the A/C to create a cross-breeze to cool down the home. This is thermal mass cooling.

Tech Talk

In the example above, the “passive” cross-breeze becomes an “active” breeze for QuietCool homeowners. This is crucial to thermal mass cooling. Although passive breezes within the home will eventually cool the ambient air, it will not however move enough air to cool the mass within the home. 

A correctly sized QuietCool system can fully exchange the entire air volume of a home 15-20 times per hour. Said another way, one full air exchange every 3-4 minutes. This “active” breeze is how QuietCool operates. 

The QuietCool system is removing stale, hot air and replacing it with fresh, cool air, which results in mass “cooling.” Because this exchange is happening at such a high speed and volume (15-20 times per hour), it is more effective than merely opening a window. 

In short, use a QuietCool to remove hot, stale air and replace it with fresh, cool air quickly, efficiently, and at a fraction of the cost of running an air conditioner.

Net Effect of Cooled Mass

“Cool mass” homes do not reheat as much or as quickly as a “hot mass” home. Homeowners are amazed that within a day or two, their house is tremendously cooler than it was the night before. 

The QuietCool system cooled the mass of the home, which then did not reheat as rapidly as it would without a QuietCool system.

QuietCool allows people to save money by turning their A/C off and turning their QuietCool system on!